2022 Coca Cola Grant
February 26, 2022 - Columbia High School:
The 100 Black Men of Greater Columbia, with the support of Coca Cola, hosted a Town Hall focusing on Inequality and Social Injustice, Police and Community Relations, and Voter Registration. The high school students actively participated in the Saturday event that included guest speakers, comedian, musician, prizes, drinks, snacks, and lunch. All proved to help prepare the students for the challenges ahead in the Greater Columbia community and nationwide.
This Session Topics:
Open dialog was encouraged at the Columbia High School, and students and parents felt free to speak without reprisal. The 100 Black Men of Greater Columbia and guest facilitators gave personal and professional testimonies. The Saturday event concluded with lunch, scholarships, and prizes.
March 18, 2022 - Columbia High School feat. Shuler King:
The 100 Black Men of Greater Columbia followed the first session with same topics, Reach Back-Pull Up dance contest, simulating police stops with National Organization of Blacks in Law Enforcement (NOBLE), and funny man Shuler King.
At the two Coca Cola Town Hall events, the 100 Black Men of Greater Columbia awarded nine $250.00 scholarships, gave away two laptop computers, Beat headphones, two Apple Watches, Apple Air Pods, gift cards for teachers, and $100 for dance contest winners.
Do you want to see program at your school???
