Health & Wellness
Blood Drives and Health Fairs/Screenings -Healthcare initiatives are provided to citizens through a number of programs in collaboration with the following:
*Harambee Festival - This collaboration with Benedict College has provided over 100 prostate, diabetes, and blood pressure screenings during the annual Harambee Festival celebration which is held on the last Saturday in February of each year.
*Black Expo (Columbia) -Over 50 diabetes and blood pressure screenings are performed during this annual event which is held on the third Saturday in May of each year.
*Palmetto Health Education Sessions -are held throughout the year, and are designed to educate African-American males on prostate cancer and obesity.
Additionally, approximately 100 health screenings have been performed as part of the Palmetto Capital City Classic week at Benedict College: and in another initiative, over 50 South Carolina state Troopers were screened for prostate cancer.